Support Groups for Chronic Pain

You may want to consider a support group

A great way to connect with others that are living with chronic pain is to join a support group. Support and self-help groups meet on a regular basis, in person or on-line. People experiencing similar issues come together to offer each other support and encouragement.

support group for pain managememt

“Although support and self-help groups can vary greatly, all groups share one thing in common—they are places where people can share personal stories, express emotions, and be heard in an atmosphere of acceptance, understanding, and encouragement. Participants share information and resources. By helping others, people in a support group strengthen and empower themselves. In addition to providing support, some groups may also focus on community education or advocacy.

The emotional support derived from support group participation can help reduce stress, which can have a positive impact on health. Further, people may greatly benefit from the information sharing that takes place in a support group. They may learn how to manage symptoms of chronic pain, develop better coping skills, and communicate more effectively with their doctors. By attending support groups, partners, friends, and family members may also learn how to be more understanding and supportive of their loved ones. In time, all these benefits may help reduce stress and enhance recovery.”

Source: Support groups:How do they help?