Sleep Medicine Provider for pain management

Sleep Hygiene

If you have tried all the recommendations around sleep hygiene and you’re still suffering from poor sleep, there may be an underlying condition that warrants a visit to a Sleep Medicine Provider.

Below, Dr. Philip Eichling M.D., M.P.H., F.AASM, a board-certified sleep medicine physician, explains the relationship between pain and sleep and how the two are interconnected:

sleep medicine provider for pain management

Philip Eichling M.D., M.P.H., F.AASM
ABIM certified in sub-specialty of sleep medicine
Clinical Associate professor of medicine
University of Arizona College of Medicine

Find a provider to help with your sleep

When looking for a provider to help you with your sleep, ask them if they are a board-certified sleep medicine physician. A board-certified sleep medicine physician has all the skills necessary to diagnose and treat sleep disorders, prevent serious life-threatening disorders, and improve your quality of life. Board-certification shows a level of dedication and understanding of the field of sleep medicine. A sleep medicine provider can also connect you with other sleep specialists who may be able to help remedy your sleep woes.

sleep medicine provider for pain management