Chiropractor for pain management

Chiropractic care helps decrease musculoskeletal pain

Chiropractic helps decrease musculoskeletal pain by finding the cause and correcting it without using medications or invasive procedures. Chiropractic looks for “stuck” joints or subluxations and performs an adjustment to restore motion of joints which can be a source of joint pain. Adjustments help decrease inflammation therefore reducing pain. It can help with many conditions but primarily focuses on musculoskeletal conditions such as back and neck pain, nerve pain like sciatica, headaches, dizziness, extremity issues such as foot, ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, wrist and TMJ pain.

Chiropractic helps restore balance to muscles which helps increase flexibility and strengthen weak muscles. It also helps with activities of daily living by teaching correct posture for overall balance of the body. If you are suffering from pain, chiropractic is an alternative natural way to treat and help heal your body.

How to find a chiropractor to help with pain management

The best way to find a chiropractor is to ask your family, friends or physician for a referral. When you start to see a chiropractor you are usually seen more frequently in the beginning because of joint and muscle memory. Once your body starts to hold the adjustment, then you will be seen less frequently as you continue to heal. Some conditions require management of the problem and you may need to see the chiropractor once a month or once every quarter.

Beware of marketing strategies and over treatment when looking for a chiropractor. Multiple visits per week for multiple weeks should be a red flag, as well as mandatory x-rays. Getting x-rayed is not needed to be treated by a chiropractor.

chiropractor for pain management
Renee Kishbaugh, DC (Doctor of Chiropractic)
[email protected]