May is Mental Health Awareness month


130 people die each day in the United States alone from opioid overdose.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Part of this month is dedicated to preventing opioid overdose. Talk to your health care providers about education on pain and alternatives to pain pills. Encourage your insurance companies to cover complimentary treatments. Help spread a more healing attitude toward pain.

In the mean time, if you or anyone you know could be in danger of opioid overdose, get a Narcan kit. Ask you health care provider to prescribe a Narcan kit or, in most places you can get it over the counter. Narcan is easy to use and each kit comes with easy to follow instructions. It may be in the form of an injection, but is often a nasal spray. Use it if you suspect an opioid overdose. Narcan works by reversing the effects of opiates by binding to the brain’s opioid receptors. Get medical help when you’ve used a Narcan kit.