role of trauma in chronic pain

What role does trauma play in chronic pain?

What role does trauma play in chronic pain? Chronic pain is so complex.  Understanding the role trauma plays in chronic pain may add a little clarity.  Individual trauma can be defined as “an event, series of events, or set of circumstances that is experienced by...

practice true compassion

What is compassion and what is not?

What does it mean to be compassion-ish?What does it mean to be compassion-ish and how is that different from true compassion? I’ve been practicing and teaching Meditation and providing Compassion training for many years, and I’d been struggling to get some of my...

vacation pain

Vacation Pain

I had an amazing experience the other night that reminded me that pain is definitely biopsychosocial: that my biology, my mind, and my relationship to those around me has a huge effect on my perception of pain.   I was on vacation with my family and was just...

mental health awareness month

May is Mental Health Awareness month

130 people die each day in the United States alone from opioid overdose. May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Part of this month is dedicated to preventing opioid overdose. Talk to your health care providers about education on pain and alternatives to pain pills....