Dietitian for pain management


Our nutrition page can give you some helpful information and a jumping off point, but it may be really helpful to work with an expert in the area of nutrition.  Dietitians have a college education and post-graduate degree. A board-certified dietitian is called a Registered Dietitian (RD). Nutritionists can complete a variety of different programs, so you need to carefully check out their background and education.

dietitian for pain management

Finding a Dietitian

To find a dietitian, you may ask your provider for a referral, or go to the website On the right, close to the bottom, there is a tab that says, “Find an expert”. Click on that box. A disclaimer will appear. Read it, and if you agree, click on the “I agree” box. You can search by area code or expertise.  They do not list Pain as a specific area, so you may need to interview a few people before you find the right fit.  Areas to check can be “Integrative and Functional Nutrition” and “Behavioral Health”.  If you can’t find a dietitian close by, reach out to ones that you think may be helpful, even if they aren’t close.  They may consult over the phone or online.

dietitian for pain management