Acupuncture for Chronic Pain Management


Acupuncture is a wonderful self-care addition for anyone trying to manage with chronic pain. Acupuncture is a 4000 year old practice that is part of the oriental medical system.  In ancient times it was discovered that the body has specific energetic channels called meridians. These meridians are associated with the physiology and anatomy of the body. By stimulating specific acupuncture points along these medians with needles, cupping, sound, electrical stimulation, essential oils, or touch, the goal is to bring the body back into balance and harmony.  In doing so, activating the bodies natural healing process.  

Acupuncture can benefit everyone.  It treats every medical condition and is excellent in helping people maintain their health and well being.

Acupuncture has been recognized by NIH and WHO as one of the primary treatments for acute and chronic pain.  Some of the ways it helps decrease pain and promote recovery include: decreasing inflammation, signaling the body to release pain modifying chemicals, such as endorphins and enkephalins, increasing the blood flow to surrounding tissues, and it is also a great way to relax the nervous system and promote a state of deep relaxation.

acupuncture for pain management

You should find a provider who teaches you how to support your healing process.

Forty seven states and the District of Colombia have a state board that licenses acupuncturists.  This ensures that the person has minimum required education (Master’s levels education in acupuncture), is licensed to practice in the state, and is nationally certified.  Another way to insure the acupuncturist is right for you is to ask friends or solicit recommendations from people you trust.  Word of mouth goes a long way.  Make sure your health philosophy is compatible and you feel confident with the practitioner.  You should find a provider that teaches you how to support your healing process.

Marta Vergara, L.Ac.

acupuncture for pain management